Become a friend

The Ghent University Wind Ensemble was founded and is managed by students. For that, we sometimes have to push aside our school responsibilities. To organise rehearsals, our rehearsal weekend and a concert, a lot of time and effortis needed. But what we get back ... makes it all worth it! We managed something that makes us extremely proud.

Of course, we want to do even more ! If we look to the future, we can see more national concerts, international concert trips ... Of course, we cannot reach those ambitions with effort alone.

The last couple of years, we've grown a lot. To keep growing, we can really use your help !

"Vrienden van het GUHO"? What's it about?

You can become a friend of GUHO for an amount of €45. With this, you get a couple of benefits:

  • 1 entry ticket per concert (2 concerts/year)
  • reserved audience spots for our concerts (until 10 minutes before start)
  • a news letter about the inner workings of our orchestra

Do you want to become a family friend , then this will cost €85 a year. For this amount, you'll get 2 entry tickets per concert. On top of that, it's also possible to use all your free tickets for one concert.

How do I enroll?

U stuurt een mailtje naar, met vermelding van uw e-mailadres en welke formule u wilt volgen (€45 of €85 per jaar).

Next, you pay the correct amount at:

Account number: BE94 7370 2903 8914
Mention: Name + "Friend GUHO"
