Want to join?


The GUHO is an orchestra for everyone who studies in Ghent (including international students) and has reached the vierde graad of their musical education, or an adequate level due to experience. If you want to become a member, you'll of course need to participate actively . That means being present at all rehearsals and our rehearsal weekend (which, by the way, is a blast)!


The GUHO rehearses every Monday of the academic semester from 20h00 till 22h00 in the 'Trechterzaal', on the highest floor of student center 'the Therminal' (Hoveniersberg 24, 9000 Gent).

Aan de start van het semester organiseren we kennismakingsrepetities. Komend semester gaat deze repetitie door op 10 februari 2025 van 20u00 tot 22u30, met een pauze. Op deze repetitie is iedereen welkom.

Since the GUHO is a university student club, we follow the academic calendar of Ghent University. During university exam periods and the holidays, we don't rehearse. Every year, we give at least two concerts: at the beginning of December and May.


If you made it all the way here: great! The GUHO cannot wait to welcome you to our orchestra. To keep the balance and quality of our orchestra intact, the GUHO follows a short, but mandatory selection procedure. Deze vinden plaats op maandag 10 februari 2025.

What can you expect?

  • An introductory conversation: tijdens deze korte babbel willen we jou beter leren kennen. We peilen enerzijds naar je motivatie en ervaring en anderzijds naar je verwachtingen over het GUHO.
  • An audition: you play a piece of your own choice and you will also recieve an part of a concert piece from us. You will have to play both pieces in front of a jury. The most important part of the audition is that you show us you are not afraid to play. 

Every musician in the GUHO knows that an audition comes with some amount of stress . This is definitely not our intention! The auditions are primarily a tool for us to organise our orchestra and to preserve our musical balance. By the way, our audition and introductory conversation are attended by Dimitri, our conductor, and a couple of musicians of the GUHO - students just like you !

Komend semester zoeken we muzikanten achter almost any wind ensemble instrument. To preserve the balance and sound of our great wind orchestra, we are particularly searching for klarinet en bastuba

Wat velen niet weten is dat enkele strijkers en snaarinstrumenten ook in een harmonieorkest thuishoren. Daarom zijn we dit semester ook op zoek naar contrabas!

After the audition, we will decide if you can join GUHO. Important factors for this decision are motivation and engagement during the rehearsal and also the audition


Awesome! First of all, you need to fill in our registration form . You can find it at the bottom of this page or here in a new tab. After that, we'll contact you ourselves at the e-mail address you provided in the form, and we'll let you know at what time we expect you for your introductory conversation and audition. Keep an eye on your mailbox and spam folder for this e-mail!


De introductory rehearsals will take place on 23 en 30 september 2024. Everybody is welcome on these rehearsals, but to ensure we have the right amount of sheetmusic, we would like to know how many musicians will be present. Therefore we ask to enlist via the forms. If you would like to do apply for GUHO, you can also enlist yourself via this form. More information, the date and time of you audition, will be send via mail. Be sure to check your spam-folder regularly for since the mail can end up there.


How should I imagine that whole selection procedure?

First we welcome you at the entrance by the managing members. When it is your turn, you are brought to a room where the conductor plus two member musicians welcome you. You meet each other, you get some water, a chair etc. Then we proceed with a short conversation where we ask some small questions. A large part of these are rather informative, similar to the registration form. We ask what your expectations are for the GUHO, and then give our expectations. We can talk about how you got to know us, your motivation, your experience, your presence on the rehearsals... We are not there to ask difficult questions or make you look stupid, quite the opposite, we do everything possible to make you feel at ease.

Then follows the playing of your piece. Do you really have a lot of stress? Just tell us, we will take that into account! You will not receive any comments about your performance and end the conversation with a 'thank you'. This all will take no more than 10 minutes.

Do I really have to be present on áll repetitions and weekends? 

As a student orchestra we completely understand that some student's agenda can be very filled and that you are worried about, e.g., not leaving enough time for your studies. But we find it important to form an active group, such that we can prepare ourselves optimally for the concert. It is also much more fun if as many people as possible are present. The most important thing is simply that you try your best to come, but if you for example need to go elsewhere, you are sick or have a big exam the next day, this is not a big deal! Cannot come to a rehearsal? Just contact our secretary by e-mail.

Do I have to be a UGent student?

Certainly not! It is maybe confusing that our name contains University but everyone is welcome who does their higher education at a university or 'hogeschool' in Ghent.

Do I have to graduate from the music academy to be able to play with you?

This is not necessary. In Belgium, you only have to have reach the 'hogere graad', i.e., be in 4.1 or higher. Internationally, this translates to having at least 7 years of lessons at a music academy.

Can I join at the start of the second semester?

Definitely! We also organize auditions at that time. Ideal if you are still hesitating if your studies are too time-consuming, you only come to Ghent in the second semester or you discover GUHO after the deadline of the auditions.

What if I can not come to the auditions?

Send us a quick e-mail to info@guho.be and we will see if we can still do something for you!


What kind of piece do I have to play on the audition? How long should it be?

Je bent volledig vrij om je stuk te kiezen, het maakt dus niet zo veel uit. Ideaal neem je iets waar je je zelf comfortabel mee bent en waarmee je je verschillende vaardigheden toont (techniek, klank, ...). Ongeveer een week voor de auditie ontvang je ook de partituur van een verplichte orkesttrek. Aangezien heel het gesprek en de auditie minder dan 15 minuten duurt, kies je best een muziekstuk dat niet te lang is.

Word ik op beide open repetities verwacht?

Het is niet verplicht om op beide open repetities aanwezig te zijn. Het is echter wel aangeraden om zo veel mogelijk naar de repetities te komen. Kun je niet komen door overmacht, stuur dan een mailtje naar info@guho.be.


Do not hesitate to send an e-mail with your questions. We do not bite ;-)! You can contact us on info@guho.be.