The Ghent University Wind Ensemble or GUHO was established in 2009 by Anne Becker and Joke Durnez, two students of Ghent University. The search for a driven conductor ended in October of that year, after which the orchestra could start off its musical excellence with their first rehearsal. That evening, forty-some young musicians, hailing from all corners of the Ghentian student life, were immediately pulled in by the enthusiasm and ambition that still drive the orchestra to this day.
For one and a half semester, the musicians rehearsed every Monday. During that time period, the student group evolved into a full-fledged orchestra and a close friend group, under the expert guidance of Dimitri Bracke.
On April 1st 2020, the GUHO successfully played their very first concert in a packed Parnassus Church. This success convinced both the musicians and the audience, which ensured that the GUHO-project would continue.

In the meanwhile, the GUHO has existed for a decennium and is still overflowing with ambition. A capable organising board, composed of enthusiastic students, takes care of the daily operations of the orchestra. The GUHO gives two set concerts a year, in December and in May. In recent years, there have also been concerts for charity, for Ghent University and for the yearly Ghent Festival 'De Gentse Feesten'. In addition, the GUHO also organises rehearsal weekends, cultural excursions, teambuilding activities and so much more.
Dit alles zorgt ervoor dat het GUHO in 2023 bestaat uit een enthousiaste groep van ongeveer tachtig jonge muzikanten die ernaar streven om samen met veel plezier en op niveau te musiceren.